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Meet the Archaeologist provides dynamic, engaging, and interactive small group presentations tailored to accommodate a wide range of audiences. Have you ever asked, "Exactly what is archaeology? What do archaeologists actually do?" Find out for yourself from a passionate and professional speaker straight from the front line of rediscovering history. You will not only learn about how archaeological missions are conducted, but why our work is pivotal to uncovering and preserving humanity's ancient past.  

For Kids...

Individual class presentations give students an up close and personal experience while learning about the exciting science of archaeology. Kids can ask questions and handle actual ancient artifacts! Meet the Archaeologist presentations are the perfect complement to ancient history lessons. Childrens' imaginations will be sparked, and their learning experience enhanced.

For Adults...

Meet the Archaeologist presentations are not just for kids. Adult groups will be transported into the world of archaeology through interactive talks given by a professional actively engaged in scientific discovery straight from the field in Egypt. Our small group talks are ideal for libraries, historical societies and clubs, or even a private event. Everyone will be enthralled! 

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